The hydraulic power unit with oil reservoir, hydraulic pumps and accumulator unit feeds the system with high pressure oil. All components are selected to ensure high reliability and low noise.
- HPU 120: 120l oil reservoir
- HPU 250: 250l oil reservoir
- Hydraulic working pressure 50-140 bar
- Gearpumps, capasities 6,5l/min or 8,3l/min @60Hz
- One pump (selectable) in operation, one stand-by
- El. motors from 400 to 480 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz, from 1,8kW to 2,6kW at 60Hz
- Isolation class F, IP55
- 32l bladder accumulator
- Filter in return line
Alarm system with separate warnings and alarms for:
- Low oil level. Warning
- Low low oil level. Alarm and shutdown
- High oil temperature. Warning
- High high oil temperature. Alarm and shutdown
- High oil pressure. Warning
- Low oil pressure. Alarm
- El. motor fuse tripped. Alarm
- All warnings and alarms will be reflected in a NC dry contact common alarm
- Remote control panel
- Serial computer interface, several protocols available
- Hardwired computer interface
- Other accumulator sizes and pump sizes on request
- High oil pressure. Warning
- Low oil pressure. Alarm
- El. motor fuse tripped. Alarm
- All warnings and alarms will be reflected in a NC dry contact common alarm